Jennifer Bronson


Mobile Applications

Cascadia Directions App Logo

About Cascadia Directions...

QR Display Currently with only an android version, this app started off as a project in Cascadia's Bit 272 MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT class in Fall 2014, and became an internship the next quarter. How do you set up a program to tell you how to get to where you want to go? This is the beauty behind Cascadia Directions. With logic built in for all three Cascadia buildings: CC1, CC2, and CC3, this app can also tell you how to get to common locations like Kodiac Corner, the library, library annex, and bookstore locations from wherever you are.

Designing the input...

Using QR codes that are placed around the buildings, the QR codes tell the app the location of the user including the building, floor level, and whether they are facing east or west. The user enters in where they want to go (the exact building and room number, or a preset location) and the app does the rest.

Beta Testing...

The Cascadia Directions App is currently in Beta testing, ready to be tried out on your android devices. With QR codes all over campus, you can use this app to find your way around. New to the school? Sign up at the front desk with Marion to become a tester, and be one of the first to try it out.

A Spanish translation has also been created so spanish speaking testers are also wanted! Please see professor Brian Bansenauer or Marion Heard at the front desk for more information on becoming a tester. We can use your help!

An iOS version is coming soon!
